I Have A Perfectly Legal Way For You To Save A Bundle Of Money On Taxes, Computer Hardware, And Support, But You Have To Act FAST…
Thanks to a recently updated tax deduction titled “Section 179 Election”, the Federal Government now allows you to buy up to $1,000,000 in machinery, computers, software, office furniture, vehicles, or other tangible goods and thereby REDUCING your taxable income on your current year’s tax return.
A taxpayer may elect to expense the cost of any section 179 property and deduct it in the year the property is placed in service. The new law increased the maximum deduction from $500,000 to $1 million. It also increased the phase-out threshold from $2 million to $2.5 million. For taxable years beginning after 2018, these amounts of $1 million and $2.5 million will be adjusted for inflation. This could mean a substantial boost to your bottom line this year. But to get the deduction for tax year 2018, you have to act now, as once the clock strikes midnight on 12/31/2018, Section 179 can't help your 2018 profits anymore.
Most IT vendors and manufacturers offer really incredible rebates and discounts on equipment toward the end of the year in a last ditch effort to improve annual sales. So if you are going to need a network upgrade in the near future, you can not only get better deals on software and equipment, but you can also get the generous tax savings making this a double dip on saving money.
In the spirit of saving you money, I’ve decided to “sweeten the pot” and make the following offer to anyone who hires us to upgrade their network before December 7, 2018:
But Here’s How I’m Going To “Sweeten The Pot” And Help You Save Even MORE Money
We’ll send you a FREE copy of the book, “Lower Your Taxes - BIG TIME! 2019-2020: Small Business Wealth Building and Tax Reduction Secrets from an IRS Insider” as a gift. This is a great book for any entrepreneur to read on how to keep Uncle Sam’s hands out of your pockets.
After all, no one wants to hand over one penny more to the government than is absolutely necessary and no one wants to pay MORE for services and products than they have to. We all work way too hard for that! Click or Call Today and we will get your project started!
(774) 222-5500 Sales@FairoaksIT.com https://www.fairoaksit.com/TaxBreak/