With that, Microsoft Power Automate is part of the journey with built-in desktop automation in Windows 11.

Are you interested to learn how you can automate reporting, covert files, and manage workflows along with the latest updates in Power Automate?

Power Automate is a low-code automation platform, so you do not need to be a developer to automate the repetitive and mundane tasks. Power Automate is even included in your Microsoft 365 Business subscription, so imagine all of the time and money you will save when you automate these tasks leaving you more time to focus on other areas of your business!

You can automate tasks such as gathering information for the web, generating reports, emailing the files or transferring data between applications.

Think about all of the data entry that goes in to managing your customer’s details. Lots of mouse clicks, keyboard input, data entry and copying and pasting details. With Power Automate, you can connect data across customer accounts from your CRM and save the data into another application.

Reports are key to helping manage your business, right? Does it feel like it takes forever to compile multiple data points to create and email the recurring reports? What if you could use this low-code system to automate that process? You can create a flow to compile various data sources across different applications, combine everything into one report using Excel, reformat your files, and schedule emails using cloud flows. You set the schedule, and Power Automate will take care of sending the reports more securely and with fewer errors.

Let’s talk about your workday. Who doesn’t want more time back in their day? Working across multiple file formats and converting files eats up time when you could be spending that same amount of time strategically working on your business. Did you know you can automate repetitive tasks like launching Microsoft PowerPoint to convert presentations into a PDF document? You can also use a cloud flow to automate sending updates via email whenever the PowerPoint someone updates the file.

Let’s talk about some of the recent updates in Power Automate for Desktop. Managing and monitoring flows can be cumbersome. Sometimes, it’s helpful to have real-time visibility across desktop flows. There is new pop-up notification window that provides great awareness of the flow’s activity.

There is also a new ‘Display custom form’ action that enables users to create their own dialog. You can use this to combine the controls and elements of your choice in a single dialog window and display information or request input data for the automations.

This is only a little glimpse into the possibilities of what you can do with Power Automate. If you are interested in learning more about streamlining and automating your processes, just give us a call and we are happy to help!


Katie Kremer is a Training and Project Specialist for Office 365, Security Awareness and Nextiva Phone Trainings. Katie has over 15 years of experience in the IT field and a degree in Business Information Systems.