It’s been over two years since Microsoft launched Bookings. Within this short time frame, millions of bookings have been made across businesses of all types and sizes. Microsoft continues to make improvements thanks to customer feedback!

It’s easy to see why customers love it. I’ve added a link in my email signature so that our customers are able to easily schedule a 30 minute training session with me to talk about their Microsoft products. So, let’s talk about the different features of Bookings that can make this product intuitive for you and your customers.

When you first launch Bookings, you will be presented with a wizard to “Tell us about your business” with your business name and type fields.

Up next, we have the options for Calendar, Booking Page, Customers, Staff, Services, and Business Information.

Under Calendar, you can have a Day, Work Week, Week, or Month view.

The Staff button is where you can add your staff members, their hours of availability (which means, customers won’t be able to schedule time when it doesn’t work for your staff member), add their email address and phone number. You can also color code those individuals so at a quick glance of the calendar, you’ll be able to tell who is busy meeting customer’s needs.

The Services tab gives you fields to describe the services available to your clients, location, duration of the service, Buffer time, pricing, and notification options to both your employee and the customer.

Once you have your Bookings page set to how you want it, you are able to use the link to publish it to your favorite social media platforms or within your website! The publishing option allows you to set the date range of when you would like services to be available, so your calendar only goes so far.

With the Bookings app in place, you are now hands free to allow your customers to schedule their appointments and it integrates with your Outlook calendar.

If you are a fan of manipulating the data, reporting options are available! You can now download up to 120 days of Bookings data, so you can analyze the data from 60 days prior to the time you download, to 60 days in to the future.