1. Be available.
Today, when customers expect products to be available on-the-go, businesses must do the same. Set up reliable resources to update and manage customer experience, for example, by setting up an automatic callback system. Instead of waiting on hold, callers get added to a list then receive the call when the service team is ready. Live chat, an informative online FAQ and other handy resources can go a long way toward avoiding frustration.
2. Surprise customers by actually being convenient.
We’ve all had interactions with customer service that made us want to pull our hair out. Avoid this by reducing friction wherever possible. Make sure the people in charge of customer experience, whether it’s a front-desk person or a team of dedicated service professionals, are friendly and transparent about the service process. Make signing up for appointments abundantly easy and pleasant, and you’ll see the benefits in no time.
3. Put your money into the most important investment.
We all know that acquiring new customers costs seven times more than keeping existing ones. That makes the numbers pretty clear: you need to invest in your existing customers or risk going under.
Inc.com, October 4, 2018
Can You Afford To Lose $80,000 A Year? If Not, Read This:
According to the Better Business Bureau’s 2017 State of Cybersecurity Among Small Businesses In North America report, SMBS lost more than $79,000 to cybercriminals. Honestly, this shouldn’t surprise anyone; after all, as even the smallest businesses digitize more and more of their processes, the costs of breaking those systems will continue to skyrocket. If you’re a small business owner in 2019, you need to start making cyber security a priority – now. Make a list of clear goals and objectives, and prepare your business for threats coming from all directions, rather than relying on a single defensive strategy that’s prone to fail when things get tough.
SmallBizTrends.com, 12/3/2018