You spend time and money on marketing your business. Do you know what strate-gies or tactics are driving inbound phone calls to your business? I wanted to know the answer to this question so I hooked our business up with CallRail Call Tracking.
CallRail allows me to know what key-words, campaigns and landing pages are effective in getting my prospect to pick up the phone and call me. You can use it on both online and offline marketing cam-paigns including PPC, radio, print ads, direct mail and your own website.
It’s pretty slick and easy to use and all calls still come into my main line. It comes with some great reports that allow you to tag and track calls for the future. The most im-pressive thing that I like is that it includes call recording. This allows me to listen to the inbound calls for training purposes to make sure we’re handling each lead or cli-ent call with white glove service.
If you’re interested in using CallRail let me know, I’m happy to help you get it set-up and configured.